Saturday, March 15, 2008

Propaganda & Eggs, Shame on You Johnny Dee’s

By Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

With the five-year anniversary of the Iraq war approaching we now know the Bush Administration at the very least had everything Dead Wrong about Iraq, WMD’s and the so called evidence used to rally the citizenry in order to invade with American support.

The alleged existence of WMD in Iraq after 9/11 was marketed to the American people by the White House Iraqi Group (WHIG), along with corporate owned media.

The WHIG and the Bush Administration fed the fear and angst caused by the Sept. 11th attacks and the 2001 Anthrax attacks (FBI case name Amerithrax) by creating increased fear of another immanent attack - possibly with small pox, or even a nuclear bomb emphasized by their use of the forged Niger Yellow Cake document as evidence of such.

With Bush’s October 8, 2002 speech to the American people where he said,

“we cannot wait for the final proof -- the smoking gun -- that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud”.

paired with then Secretary of State Colin Powell's February 2003 address to the UN Security Council was enough to garner the support they needed from Congress and the American people to go to war against Iraq.

After all these years one would think American’s would be more aware their government misled them however the propaganda can still be found in unusual places sowing seeds of hate and irresponsibly perpetuating the Iraq lie.

While having dinner last week at Johnny Dee’s - a local high desert CA restaurant, the MTR News crew was more than surprised by a few of the restaurants prominently featured menu items.

They have a hamburger called The Patriot Burger which by itself is not a big deal however on their breakfast menu we can see their patriotism is marred by ignorance and propaganda. They have a featured dish they have named Freedom Flag Wavers (formerly their French toast). A little propaganda with your eggs anyone?

Here is some background Johnny Dee’s should consider along with immediately correcting their menu... LINK