Saturday, March 15, 2008

Chilling Thoughts Amid Questionable Circumstances

By Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

A few days ago authorities found and positively identified the deadly poison Ricin in a Las Vegas hotel room. A man lies silently in a coma in some desert hospital unable to tell anyone how he became ill. He is said to have been at the hospital since Valentines Day when he called an ambulance due to respiratory distress.

With an unconscious witness/victim/homegrown terrorist the police were able to find evidence in the hotel room that is too convenient to be true. Let’s look at the time line of the story first, because it makes no sense, but is told in the style of Rumsfeld so that it isn’t immediately apparent it makes no sense.

Authorities say that on Sat Feb 22 a friend or relative of the rooms occupant reported to the hotel that there are pets left in the sick mans room.

So first off we are to believe that pets had been left unattended and unnoticed in the room for 10 whole days! One of the animals, a dog was found dead. How long had the dog been dead? How many more animals were in the room and what kind were they? How did they survive unheard all that time? A hungry animal would be howling and whining. Surely in a hotel that would have been heard by someone.

Then we are told that on Tues. Feb 26 the hotel’s management notified police they found “weapons” in the room.

Tuesday? If the friend reported the animals Fri the 23rd why is it the “weapons” were not discovered until five days later? A Las Vegas hotel room left untouched over a weekend let alone for 5 whole days? A room whose occupant lay dying in a hospital due to Ricin poison. People in and out of the room to take the dead dog out, to remove the other unknown number of animals and to clean.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but according to Capt. Joseph Lombardo

“Firearms and an anarchist type textbook” were found in the room.

He said at a news conference late Friday Feb 29 that the book was marked where there was information about Ricin. However test results on those items were negative for the substance.

Police also said they “found castor beans possibly used to make the substance (Ricin)”.

An "anarchist type textbook"? What the hell is that? Can someone say “HR1955”?

“Firearms”? Ok, that could be believable enough, but castor beans?

Then on Thurs. Feb 28 the friend goes back to the hotel room to retrieve the sick mans belongings where he finds two vials of a “substance” that tests positive for Ricin. Authorities don’t know if they missed finding the vials when they searched the room two days before or even how long the vials had been in the room. They do not know if the man in the coma has any connection to the Ricin, but they know that Ricin is what has made him ill.

So now we have police allowing a man they can only... LINK