Sunday, February 10, 2008

An Operation of False Flags

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

September 11th, 2001 could prove, in the end, to have been another in the long list of False Flag Operations for the history books, the jury is still out. However, there is precedent for more False Flags to come since the events of that horrible day…

False Flag Operations have played into world politics for decades if not centuries, igniting fear upon a citizenry to create a fervent patriotism among its countrymen in order to incite nations to war. The Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, the Reichstag Fire and the unexecuted Operation Northwoods, are just a few broadly known, factual, and well-documented False Flag Operations in our History.

Those examples, to most, are familiar, but what is a False Flag Operation exactly?

“False flag Operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities”.

And “False Flag Operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time”.

Also, “Political or religious ideologies will sometimes use false flag tactics. This can be done to discredit or implicate rival groups, create the appearance of enemies when none exist, or create the illusion of organized and directed opposition”.

Many of you have heard of False Flag attacks before and have come to some conclusions and realizations of your own based on the undeniable facts of their existence. False Flag attacks are used as just another weapon in a government’s arsenal and it is easy to look the other way when our eyes see things they don’t wish to see. With the well-oiled (pun intended) machine - of the corporations, pumping (intended also) their slick (and again) talking points over and over on our cities’ Nightly News it’s even easier. Because, if we give our minds enough time to absorb, if we don’t look away, if we allow ourselves to see what is truly in front of our eyes, then we must then do something about what we see.

It is also easy - when we’re talking about the past, to distance it from any possibility of being connected to the present, but the truth is ‘ the past’ isn’t that far behind us. In fact, something even more deliberate - pertaining directly to False Flag Operations, began to take place after our country was attacked on that fateful morning of 9/11.

Less than a year after the mass murders in America on Sept. 11th, 2001 a founding member of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld sought more ways to harm Americans. More ways in which to shed their blood in sacrifice to an ideology of power and greed; a gluttony of evil to feed off our fears – the seeds of which that had already been steadily sown. Rumsfeld was planning on the United States government funding your and/or others deaths by way of a new program.

Rumsfeld’s 2002 plan to provoke terrorist attacks in order to... LINK