Sunday, February 3, 2008

Meet Cynthia McKinney

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

In the article The Radical Alternative (Cynthia McKinney), Mumia Abu-Jamal puts forth a serious question, why not Cynthia McKinney?

-Photo by Tommy Sullivan, Project Censored-

Cynthia McKinney takes speaking truth to power to a whole new level. She has time and again stood against and spoken out about the very things we all complain about. She has taken the lashes with a grace the media never allowed you to see.

While speaking at a conference McKinney said,

“Warriors don’t have medals, they have scars. The corporate media has emblazoned for all the world to see…my scars”.

Scars. That’s all the American public knows of Cynthia McKinney.

MTR News had a chance to sit down with this presidential candidate and talk about the many scars on our nation. The woman we met was nothing like the corporate media has portrayed her to be. The woman we met was a warm, vibrant, intelligent, and articulate leader.

Meet Cynthia McKinney.

Video Interview Here

*Cynthia McKinney is running as the 2008 Green Party presidential candidate.

**Coming soon: Cynthia McKinney & Ray McGovern Interview