Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Shot Me Free

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

On Monday KCAL - a CA news station, and a local High Desert newspaper - the Victor Valley Daily Press reported Apple Valley Deputies had responded late Sunday evening to a call of a shooting victim who had entered an Apple Valley, CA AM/PM mini mart on Rancherias RD seeking help. Deputies arrived for what had been reported as an alleged robbery that took place while the victim walked along the Apple Valley Golf Curse on his way to the convenience store.

As Deputies questioned the victim and examined footprint evidence left behind it became apparent there was more to the story then Myers was telling and thought Myers was covering for an accidental shooting.

As Deputies unraveled the case they discovered Ft Campbell KY Soldier Matthew John Myers was home in CA on emergency leave from his deployment in Iraq and had decided he did not want to return to the war. Myers conspired with friend Daniel Dotterrer who shot him in the front right thigh before fleeing the scene and Myers continuing on to report the supposed crime from the mini mart.

Both CA news outlets report that... link

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Sliver of the Sibel Story touches the MSM

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

Today the Dallas Morning News reprinted a near three-week old story originally published in the American Conservative by Philip Giraldi called Found in Translation, FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her secrets.

The story was not reprinted in its entirety, but the idea of the Sibel story touching American minds is something. Will it open a door for more American journalists to start talking too?

MTR News

Sunday, February 10, 2008

An Operation of False Flags

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

September 11th, 2001 could prove, in the end, to have been another in the long list of False Flag Operations for the history books, the jury is still out. However, there is precedent for more False Flags to come since the events of that horrible day…

False Flag Operations have played into world politics for decades if not centuries, igniting fear upon a citizenry to create a fervent patriotism among its countrymen in order to incite nations to war. The Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, the Reichstag Fire and the unexecuted Operation Northwoods, are just a few broadly known, factual, and well-documented False Flag Operations in our History.

Those examples, to most, are familiar, but what is a False Flag Operation exactly?

“False flag Operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities”.

And “False Flag Operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time”.

Also, “Political or religious ideologies will sometimes use false flag tactics. This can be done to discredit or implicate rival groups, create the appearance of enemies when none exist, or create the illusion of organized and directed opposition”.

Many of you have heard of False Flag attacks before and have come to some conclusions and realizations of your own based on the undeniable facts of their existence. False Flag attacks are used as just another weapon in a government’s arsenal and it is easy to look the other way when our eyes see things they don’t wish to see. With the well-oiled (pun intended) machine - of the corporations, pumping (intended also) their slick (and again) talking points over and over on our cities’ Nightly News it’s even easier. Because, if we give our minds enough time to absorb, if we don’t look away, if we allow ourselves to see what is truly in front of our eyes, then we must then do something about what we see.

It is also easy - when we’re talking about the past, to distance it from any possibility of being connected to the present, but the truth is ‘ the past’ isn’t that far behind us. In fact, something even more deliberate - pertaining directly to False Flag Operations, began to take place after our country was attacked on that fateful morning of 9/11.

Less than a year after the mass murders in America on Sept. 11th, 2001 a founding member of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld sought more ways to harm Americans. More ways in which to shed their blood in sacrifice to an ideology of power and greed; a gluttony of evil to feed off our fears – the seeds of which that had already been steadily sown. Rumsfeld was planning on the United States government funding your and/or others deaths by way of a new program.

Rumsfeld’s 2002 plan to provoke terrorist attacks in order to... LINK

Friday, February 8, 2008

Our Vote, Their Voice

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper, MTR News

American headlines rarely give voice to an opposing message even when it comes from outside of the United States. If non-citizens were voting in our place, whom would they vote for in Nov.?

With Super Tuesday over and a handful of primaries left, the candidates are all but officially announced in American media. The run up to the Nov. election leaves little option for American voters looking for something different. Will it come down to the ‘lesser evil’ vote and if so just who is that ‘lesser evil’ of all evils paraded before us?

In p2p and other online circles one name seems to rise above all others. Ron Paul. This may be because the Paul campaign has relied so heavily on Internet grass roots and because of that the awareness of his campaign and ideals have surely taken hold in cyber land. But is there more to it than that?

With outside voices being some of the loudest for Paul’s cause this writer wanted to know why.

I asked Earl Smith in Southwest England, UK why he was watching our election process so intently. He sees promise in Dr Paul as a new leader for America and feels that

“2008 is make or break for the whole of civilization as we know it,” and further claims,

“The (presidential) election in the US plays a MAJOR role for things to come” for the entire world, not just America.

Another man on the outside who is paying close attention to and is in strong support of Dr Paul is Robert Young from Midland Ontario, Canada. I asked him why he cared so much about our election,

“I don’t have to live in the US to see the importance of a Constitutional Republic. This (coming) US election is important to me because we are seeing a clear fight between freedom and enslavement and it’s being seen globally. Voting fraud and mainstream media incompetence is becoming more and more obvious. This election - whether or not Ron Paul wins, is showing the American public that their freedoms are under attack.” He said.

Young went on to… LINK

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Shell Game #31 and Climbing

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

There has been a lot of controversy within the 9/11 Truth movement about this bold new novel, The Shell Game by, Steve Alten. Some people passionately support it while others chastise the author for not including or coming to the conclusion of Inside Job. While the Author sources and presents evidence of vast criminal activity by the US government in relation to the attacks on September 11th, 2001 he does seem more inclined towards the let it happen theory. This has some within the Truth movement questioning Alten’s agenda for writing the book and why they should support it.

To those that are disappointed or suspicious of this book I can only ask that you set aside your bias for a few hours and read the book with different eyes. Of course this book cannot stack up to the full story some would like to tell, but that is because the eyes of those storytellers are already open. To new eyes, this story and its easy delivery has the potential to raise many questions in many minds that had never questioned before. Imagine the blinds slowly opening upon a darkened room on a bright sunny morning. Rays of truths that splinter behind the minds awakening eye – an undeniable new and unstoppable day has arrived. That's Powerful.

Steve Alten effectively interjects solid facts that relate to many 9/11 crimes (and other crimes) within this administration – as well as other levels of government, while telling what he calls a ‘cautionary tale’. Not only are these facts interspersed in the story, there are also multiple blistering quotes blatantly and heroically featured at the beginning of each chapter. The references to September 11th, 2001 are used as a foundation of ‘background precedents’ to help weave and move the story being told – which is the story of a coming Inside Job by way of a US government manufactured nuclear holocaust in LA. The attack needed in order to begin an attack against Iran as the presented perpetrator of the attack. . Sound familiar?

The Shell Game is an excellent book. Where I would normally describe a book this well formatted as an ‘easy read’, the gravity of the subject and the implications in the story are not easy. With three Heroines and a Hero this important political thriller is laid out in digestible chapters that quickly pull the reader deeper down the rabbit hole leading him/her to some potentially gut wrenching conclusions about what we don’t know.

*Well done Steve Alten. Congratulations on making the list, #31 and climbing.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Ray McGovern and Cynthia McKinney, the Power of Conversation

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

In times of eloquence some can often hear meaning inside those moments much more then when listening to hard facts from someone’s well meaning and informative PowerPoint presentation. By sometimes paring down the speech and preach we have grown accustomed to, we can begin talking ‘to’ - instead of talking ‘at’, one another. An effective new way of reaching people may simply be the old way of ‘one on one’.

I was reminded of this last week while attending the Publicizing Truths with Consequence media summit in Santa Cruz, CA. Amidst a backdrop of high energy frustrations MTR News was able to find some down time to reflect on the issues that brought us there to begin with. Joining us in this quiet reflection– 2008 Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney, and CIA Veteran Ray McGovern were gracious enough to lend their time and their concerns in a relaxed and powerful format too often forgotten, real conversation.

MTR had an exclusive front row seat to what may be a humbling and impromptu call to action by two of the leading voices of truth, integrity, and justice in our times. With current and past events as their topics, McKinney and McGovern offered up an inspiring dialog between two long time friends who by sharing their grave and honest concern for our country with each other, they in turn share those concerns with us.

We invite you to watch and listen as we hope, that from their message, you may find renewed strength and knowledge that We the People have not lost our voice at all, we merely need to find more creative ways to present it so that it can be heard by more people in ways that will reach them.

-See Interview Here-

*MTR News would like to thank Cynthia McKinney and Ray McGovern for their kindness and for all of their hard work speaking truth to power. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity and the message they bestowed upon us. To David Kubiak of and John Bertucci of Project Censored we extend our genuine thanks for their help in facilitating this interview.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Meet Cynthia McKinney

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

In the article The Radical Alternative (Cynthia McKinney), Mumia Abu-Jamal puts forth a serious question, why not Cynthia McKinney?

-Photo by Tommy Sullivan, Project Censored-

Cynthia McKinney takes speaking truth to power to a whole new level. She has time and again stood against and spoken out about the very things we all complain about. She has taken the lashes with a grace the media never allowed you to see.

While speaking at a conference McKinney said,

“Warriors don’t have medals, they have scars. The corporate media has emblazoned for all the world to see…my scars”.

Scars. That’s all the American public knows of Cynthia McKinney.

MTR News had a chance to sit down with this presidential candidate and talk about the many scars on our nation. The woman we met was nothing like the corporate media has portrayed her to be. The woman we met was a warm, vibrant, intelligent, and articulate leader.

Meet Cynthia McKinney.

Video Interview Here

*Cynthia McKinney is running as the 2008 Green Party presidential candidate.

**Coming soon: Cynthia McKinney & Ray McGovern Interview

Saturday, February 2, 2008


By, Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

Truthers seek more than the just the truth of the Sept. 11th crimes, we seek truth in all the crimes of this Administration - and the administrations before it, so that we may, as a country, protect ourselves from the crimes of future administrations before it is too late. It is already to late for many as American lives have been lost by the thousands and we will never know the true number of innocents we have killed ‘over there’. They are still dying…over there…and they are still dying here.

Truthers believe Americans need to connect the dots. Not just some of the dots but connect all of the dots. From the rapidly receding economy to the ugly truths of the Iraq war; from the premeditated outing of Valerie Plame to criminally fraudulent elections; from a growing 9/11 movement asking hard questions to the deafening slap of media silence. The list goes on.

There have been eye-opening revelations with their implications from Whistleblowers Sibel Edmonds, Coleen Rowley, Russ Tice and Kevin Ryan. Why does our government and media wish to silence them? Why do they wish to silence us? With laws and legislation in place - like the Patriot Act, HR 1955, and domestic spying it is hard to come to any conclusion but that of our government’s wish to silence and control it’s population. That’s freaky stuff.

We don’t see these things as separate issues. These problems are pieces of the whole. To a 9/11 Truther all these current crises root in the events of September 11th, 2001. If you do the maze backward, i.e. take the problem as it is now and work your way back to when it really began, you will always land in the footprint of that day.

For instance the flailing economy. Immediately on 9/11 millions of dollars were being lost in advertising revenue alone. Advertisers pulled their ads out of respect for the gravity of what occurred and also as to not have their service/product branded in such sorrow. Those dollars didn’t return in abundance any time soon. It took years to get back on track. That alone affected many of lives and the businesses of those they did business with. And that’s just one tiny category of the trickle down financial collapses that have brought us to where we are. I know it’s much bigger than that. It’s just an example.

Ok so that’s the economy, what else? What about the CIA leak? We are only now hearing mention of Brewster Jennings in Sibel Edmonds’ story out of the UK, but before all that VP Dick Cheney and his team maliciously leaked the identity of covert Agent Valerie Plame. They leaked her name because they needed to control Valerie’s husband Joe Wilson, who emphatically denied the Bush administration claim of Iraq buying yellowcake from Niger. Why did they lie and use forged documents about Niger? They lied because with those forged documents they could terrify a country by alluding to an impending mushroom cloud delivered to us from Iraq. But, why did they need to lie about Iraq? They needed to lie further because the American people were struggling with the idea of a link between Usama bin Laden and Sadam Hussein. The American people felt justified going to war with Afghanistan because they were worked up with a fervor bent on an eye for an eye, they were raw and still bleeding. The Taliban was the enemy. The powers that be needed that extra ace to push a nation over the edge, they needed George Tenet’s proclaimed “Slam dunk”.

I can walk you through each one forward or backward, but I think you get it.

The 9/11 Truth movement is made up of an intelligent and diverse group of everyday people many of which you probably interact with unknowingly each day. Being a Truther simply means we have questions about the official conspiracy theory. You don’t have to believe 9/11 was an inside job to be a Truther. Polls reflect a country with questions about what really happened on Sept. 11th, 2001. It’s ok to ask questions. IF you want to know what happened on 9/11, you’re a Truther by default. Just accept it.