Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Calling It Like It Is. Lies. Spin. Deception.

by, Cheri Roberts-Piper

Today’s Yahoo headline says voters are more worried about the economy then the Iraq war http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20080115/ts_csm/atalker;_ylt=AnF9LbBcq4MSwwMw9nfz7oOs0NUE and goes on to claim,

“Reduced violence in Baghdad has made Iraq seem a less pressing concern to many US voters.”

“Many US voters”…not most US voters, not the majority of US voters, just “many”. How many is “many”, and where did that come from that it can be stated as fact in a headline news story?

The only source I find in it is this,

“A CNN New Hampshire exit poll found that 97 percent of Democrats and 80 percent of Republicans expressed anxiety about the economy.”

The writer does not say what the poll question is or what the choices are nor does the writer link to the poll for the reader to see for himself or herself what the parameters are. It is a state poll not a US poll, but readers won’t notice beyond the headline that “Many US voters…”

This is exactly the sort of ownership the mainstream media has over the population.

I pose the question,

How does this compute to news? And, why wouldn’t the writer connect the economic dots to show how the economy woes are in direct relation to the war?
